Halcyon Repose

An actual update

by on May.21, 2007, under Life

I am finally free of the grip of work, at least for now. I have been working pretty much all waking hours of the day for the past few weeks, and I finally got off this weekend. Relaxation at last.

Things are interesting at work. We recently announced our new product.. big blow up on that, which is a good thing. And this week most of the company, including myself, has gone to hourly pay instead of salary. This means I now have to punch a time clock, but the upside of that is that any calls I get from work, are all considered OT, and I will be payed accordingly. This means I could be getting a sizable weekly paycheck bump, or I could be working less after hours. Both are completely fine with me, we’ll just see how it goes.

Outside of work, one of my best friends from Tennessee finally made the move to California recently. He took over the vacant room in the apartment, and together, we can kill any free time by lounging on the couch or in the hallway just talking for hours. It has been good spending some quality time with him, and hopefully we can get him a job out here so he can actually start living the California life. I have tried to get him a couple of positions at work, unfortunately none of them have panned out yet. But I have faith that he will find something to pay the bills within short order.

Then there is the living situation. I have had an open invitiation to move into my friends beach house, as he and his nephew have an extra room, and they wouldn’t mind splitting the rent with another person. Well my friend recently discovered that he was losing his roommate in the next month or two, and if he doesn’t find some more STAT, then he will have to move out. Now this is a crying shame as is a beautiful house in a near perfect location. I would love to move in, but cost is an issue. I could buckle down, live on ramen, and hope that my hourly status will provide me with a bit of extra money to help get me by, or I can wave goodbye to the chance to live right on the beach. If I did move in, I would have to help find an extra roommate, as I could not afford the place split only two ways, and I would have to find a new home for the kitties. I hate having to make decisisions like this, and I don’t have a very long time to make it. *sigh*

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