Halcyon Repose

Ed and Frances’s Wedding

Leaving the warmth of Southern California behind, we journeyed to the cold climes of Yosemite Valley. My first trip to a national park was breath-taking, and Ed and Frances’s wedding ceremony was truly story book perfect.

We started off the weekend by all meeting at the Tenya Lodge just outside of Yosemite. We grabbed Ed for the night for a poker game and we promptly bought all the quarter rolls the hotel had on hand for use as chips. Following that we had a big dinner together, with a bit of wine to finish off the evening.

Before the wedding ceremony started, we went out into the park with Ed and the Pastor to find a good location for the wedding. Ed eventually decided on a site next to the river, with the main Yosemite Falls in the background. While Frances might not realize it at the time, she would appreciate it later on. ;)

And the groom and beautiful bride taking pictures after the ceremony. Since I was a part of the ceremony, I didn’t get to take any pictures while they were exchanging their vows. After some quick photos at the site, we all headed to The Ahwahnee to warm up by the fire and complete the necessary paperwork.

I had a fever most of the trip so I didn’t get to go out and do any hiking like I had planned, but I did manage to snap some pictures of the Valley on the way out.

Yosemite was a bit far away, so that weekend, Ed and Frances had their reception back home to celebrate with all of their friends and family.

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